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DynaRoot system  A 


x1    Portable pneumatic  pole   (1 Person use) 

For the anemometer,no special assembly of the pole itself is needed. Only the holding ropes which should be fixed correctly. The packed pole is about only 2 m long but it can be erected to 10 m height. Both the extending and the collapsing of the tower can be done alone.


Ultrasonic anemometer


x1 Anemometer; an instrument for measuring wind velocity at or near the tree to be evaluated. The closer to the better, but, depending on wind velocity DynaRoot may provide reliable data even with measurements taken several kilometers /miles away. The anemometer provides wind velocity data of sufficient frequency.  Ideally the anemometer should be clear of buildings or other objects that may

obstruct the wind, at a height of at least 10 m.

  • Dual axis ultrasonic wind velocity meter
  • Sampling rate: 1 Hz
  • Measurement range: 0-150 km/h
  • Accuracy: 0.2 km/h
  • Integrated GPS
  • Data storage capacity: 8 GB (SD card)
  • Best location: open field, 10 m height, undisturbed by buildings or other large objects
  • Completely weather proof




x3 Inclinometers; which is fixed to the buttress of the test tree and measures the inclination of the trunk in two different directions to provide very accurate record of the trees movement in both the X & Y axis.  This device provides an accurate record of the trees inclination at sufficient frequency to identify excessive or sudden movement.

  • Measurement range ± 2 degrees
  • Resolution: 0.001° degree
  • Temperature compensated
  • Sampling rate: 10 Hz
  • Integrated GPS
  • Data storage capacity: 8 GB (SD card)
  • Mounted by a single screw
  • Operating voltage and current: 12V, 20 mA
  • Completely weather proof, IP65



3. Evaluation software

The data, recorded by the Anemometer & Inclinometer on to memory cards over a period of several hours are combined within the evaluation software, thanks to a GPS time signature. The software breaks the data down into shorter intervals, and calculates the statistical parameters for each interval

that are used for the tree stability evaluation.

  • Simple yet efficient software for determining the safety factor
  • Automatic merging of wind velocity and inclination data
  • Diagram, critical wind pressure, correlation coefficient and safety factor calculation
  • Runs under MS windows.


Training will  be required cost subject to user experience and number of trainees and location - A bespoke quotation will be provided for this.


Kit A Dynaroot- Dynamic Tree Stability

  • Goods imported on order and payment - Delivery times will be advised upon placing order.

    Estimated lead times.

    Training additional.

  • Quote will be provided.

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